Women, Infants & Children

What is WIC?
WIC is a Federal Supplemental nutrition program that helps by improving the health of nutritionally at-risk low-income Women, Infants and Children. WIC services include nutrition counseling, health referrals, and Breastfeeding Support. All of WIC services are provided at no cost to families who qualify.

Who does WIC Serve?
- Pregnant Women
- New Moms up to 6 months after baby is born
- Breastfeeding moms up to 1 year after baby is born
- Infants
- Children up to their 5th birthday. (If you are the mother, father, foster parent or legal guardian you may apply for a child who is under 5 years old.)
How to join WIC?
WIC eligibility is income based. The rest is easy! Just call the office to set up an appointment. You must have all documents: Proof of Income, Proof of Residency, Proof of ID for child and guardian. Once eligible we will continue with the rest of appointment.

WIC Encourages and Supports Breastfeeding
While breastfeeding is a natural way to feed your baby, it is also natural to feel a little unsure of yourself.
The WIC Peer Counselor is here to help breastfeeding mothers, whether it be answering a simple question regarding breastfeeding, to needing help with baby’s latch.
Our WIC BFPC is also able to make referrals to the in-house Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), who can help with more difficult cases with breastfeeding.
WIC BFPC Kelly Lewis - (505) 238-6001
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
For the full USDA Nondiscrimination Statement or to file a complaint, please visit https://www.fns.usda.gov/fns-nondiscrimination-statement
Pueblo of San Felipe WIC Program
Address: 131 Hagen Rd
Phone: 505-771-7200