Head Start
Head Start Program
San Felipe Pueblo Head Start offers a cultural and community-based program that focuses on the Keres language, and San Felipe Pueblo traditions, values, beliefs, and life-ways. Our qualified teaching staff have Child Development Associate (CDA) certificates or Associate of Arts (AA) degrees in Early Childhood Education.

The Head Start Program:
- Serves low-income and categorically eligible children, ages 3—5 years old, and their families
- Parents, through the Parent Committee and Policy Council, have a voice in all Head Start program decisions
- Parent, Family and Community Engagement goals assist parents in helping their children
- Provides a comprehensive program including Early Childhood education, health, dental, nutrition, disabilities, mental health, family and social services, and transportation
- Head Start children are up-to-date with physicals and immunizations
- On-site dental services are provided by a Registered Dental Hygienist
- A certified Counselor works with children exhibiting challenging behaviors, and consults with parents to assist them in helping their children
- Promotes Pre-School and School Readiness skills through developmentally appropriate practice
- Head Start’s School Readiness Plan aligns children’s goals to the New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines and assesses children three times a year on the Learning Accomplishment Profile (LAP-3) to determine progress
- The Pueblo of San Felipe Tribal Council is the Governing Board for the Head Start program, and works in Shared Governance with the Head Start Policy Council
- Head Start meets compliance regulations of the Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007 (Head Start Act), and the Head Start Performance Standards
- Head Start follows very rigorous federal monitoring requirements so all standards, policies and procedures are met
Our Vision
To nurture and enhance young children’s development through learning experiences rooted in the familiar cultural context of the family, inclusive of Keres language and traditions.
Our Mission
I’m playing, I’m growing, I’m learning, I’m Head Start!
Our Philosophy
San Felipe Pueblo Head Start provides developmentally appropriate and comprehensive services to assist children’s growth and development. The program engages parents, families and community in the school readiness process. Curricular experiences integrating the language and traditions of the community provide children with opportunities to learn within the context of their culture.

Head Start Application and Requirements
- Income Verification (W-2 or check stubs)
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) or Enrollment Verification Letter
- Updated Immunization Record
- Physical and Dental Exam (most recent)
- Medicaid Card or Private Insurance
- Completed Enrollment Application
To be completed at Head Start Office:
- Health Interview
- Parent Partnership Agreement
- Family Goal Setting Agreement
All Documents Need To Be Completed Before Enrollment
Any questions? Call the Head Start at 505-867-2816

School Year Schedule (Hours of Operation)
- Buses leave Head Start Monday through Thursday at 8:00 a.m.
- Monday through Thursday School Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Children board buses at 2:15 p.m.
- Buses leave the center at 2:30 p.m.
- Half-day schedule:
- Children board buses at 11:15 a.m.
- Buses leave the center at 11:30 a.m.
San Felipe Pueblo Head Start
Address: 10 Meadowview Rd
Mail: PO Box 4346, San Felipe Pueblo, NM 87001
Phone: 505-867-2816
Fax: 505-867-8831
Director is ext 102