Natural Resources
Our Mission Statement
The Pueblo of San Felipe Department of Natural Resources commits to protect, conserve, sustain, and manage the land, water, and air resources of the Pueblo for enhancement and the beneficial purposes of present and future generations in a manner that reflects the cultural and traditional beliefs of San Felipe Pueblo and its Tribal Council.

The DNR works with direction from Tribal Leadership and the Land Committee to reacquire ancestral land, and to ensure our land base is managed in the best interests of the Pueblo. Our Tribal Historic Preservation Office works to preserve cultural resources both on the Pueblo and our ancestral lands.
The DNR manages the Pueblo’s surface water quality program and works to promote environmental justice and stewardship for the Pueblo.
Water Resources & Agriculture
Our Water Resources and Agriculture programs provide farming and irrigation services for the community to support the agricultural traditions of the Pueblo, and a return to Food Sovereignty.

The Pueblo has a limited number of hunting authorizations available for purchase each year. These prime, guided elk hunts in northern New Mexico include lodging. Please contact the DNR for more information.
Contact Information
Department Phone: 505-771-6642
Director: 505-771-6628
GIS/GPS Coordinator: 505-771-6632
Office Manager: 505-771-6642
Water Resources Specialist: 505-771-6654
Land Management: 505-771-6636
Environmental Specialist: 505-771-6637