Welcome To San Felipe Pueblo

Located at the foot of the Black Mesa, in the middle Rio Grande valley of New Mexico, is Katishtya, the Pueblo of San Felipe, a federally recognized Native American Tribe. From time immemorial we have resided in areas known today to be Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and beyond, and have been at or near our current location for many hundreds of years.

San Felipe Pueblo is between New Mexico's capitol city of Santa Fe, and Albuquerque, its largest city. The Pueblo of San Felipe consists of approximately 3,700 enrolled tribal members and approximately 68,000 acres.

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San Felipe Pueblo


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Working with San Felipe Pueblo is exciting, challenging and secure.  If you're interested in working with us, please view our open positions and apply.

Public Improvement Authority Director

To provide Department direction and supervision for water, wastewater, roads and solid waste.

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Grant & Contract Manager

Provides oversight, coordination of various grants assigned to the Pueblo of San Felipe

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Surveillance Shift Supervisor

Serves as a shift supervisor with primary responsibilities for the protection, safeguarding and security of assets

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Upcoming Events

No upcoming events at this time.

Get In Touch

For more information or questions about the Pueblo or its programs, please contact us.